Grace for today, this minute

Now therefore, I pray, if I have found grace in Your sight, show me now Your way, that I may know You and that I may find grace in Your sight.
Exodus 33:13

It’s a Tuesday, I get up with the alarm at 6 & think about coffee but decide I’ll be too jittery so I head to the shower.
Next I wake my 12 year old, she’s tall and lanky and cute but doesn’t move very fast. Seriously.
Within the next 10 I’m dressed, have woken the other children and started the get-ready-to-go chant. Every Tuesday & Thursday the kids take an early swimming class at the Y. In the pool by 7:30 am.
Often my mood turns sour by 6:45. I’m not a morning person per se, but not a night owl either. I like to have easy mornings with coffee and books… yep, vacation mornings are my choice.
At any rate, we usually leave the house hurried and rather grouchy with each other.
The thing is, if I take a few moments, reflect on the grace that God has shown me and just ask for Him to change my attitude ~ I can generally dump the grouch and just be mom. I might not be super nurturing but I can talk without a bite in my voice or an eye roll toward the skies.
Sometimes it might require more than a few minutes, and that’s okay too. It is worth those few extra minutes to be a kind momma to my kiddos. Maybe I need to wash my face, go ahead and make the coffee, or read another verse or two…
•Ephesians 4:32 Be kind to one another, tender hearted, forgiving as God in Christ forgave you.
•Proverbs 31:26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

20121002-194141.jpg The Bible is God’s living Word & each of us can be transformed in these minutes by it!


Filed under 31 days, faith, parenting

3 responses to “Grace for today, this minute

  1. Cath

    I hear ya! I am soooo not a morning person, either. None of us are! When I get grouchy, I always try to think of blessings to be thankful for. Even small things. Kind of a Brother Lawrence mentality. Like while washing dishes, thanking him for dishes to wash, etc. Maybe you could think morning thoughts like, “Thank you, Lord, for these kids that I get the privilege of driving to swimming.” or “Thank you for the car to drive in so we don’t have to walk.” or even, “Thank you for the swimming class and freedom to homeschool and be with my kids all day.” 🙂

    • 3kinder

      Great suggestions Cathy & very in line with Ann Voskamp’s book One Thousand Gifts!!
      Thanks for sharing 🙂

      • Cath

        And I haven’t even read the book yet! Thanks for the reminder! Need to buy it! Speaking of not being morning people……Lauren has 8:00 classes (which means both of us waking up at 6:00) 3 days a week this quarter. Sigh.

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