Tag Archives: bookstacks

our current bookstack

 Stefani recently shared what her family has been reading & her post nudged me to share what we are reading too! 

    Grace’s Stack:

The Royal Road to Romance by Richard Halliburton  This is actually required reading for her freshman year but we both love it! We read several chapters together last year & now she is finishing it up. The Royal Road to Romance is a true tale of Mr Halliburton breaking away from every day life & it’s pressures to explore the world ~ which he does bravely and boldly! He was witty, very daring & charming. Reading his adventures inspires adventure in us!

The Magician’s Nephew by C. S. Lewis    If you haven’t read this or the other classic tales from Narnia, get your hinny to the library & start reading!

Harry Potter Film Wizardry by Brian Sibley  This has so many cool details about the movies! Lots of little tidbits we hadn’t heard before. Grace found it on sale a week or so ago & snatched it up. If I could have gotten her to wait it would have made a fantastic Christmas gift!

 Lucy’s Book:

Lucy is in a girls’ book club that is reading through the Rose Series by Roger Lea MacBride. They are currently on Little Town in the Ozarks. Last year they read through the entire Little House series! They meet monthly & have devotions, activities, snacks & book discussion at the leader’s house. This is one of the nicest homeschooling clubs my kids have ever been in. I am so thankful to the mom who puts it all together!

Parker’s Book:

 The Sea of Monsters     My kids LOVE the Rick Riordan series of Percy Jackson books. This would really be a bit above Parker’s reading level right now, but a good friend of mine reads to him while I teach at our co-op. It is such a blessing!

 Jonathan’s Book:

Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins   I bought The Hunger Games for him last year for Christmas.. he read through that quickly & then moved on to the second book,  Catching Fire. I know that he has really enjoyed these. Grace & I plan to each read them too, but they are “on the stack” for right now.

  My stack is sitting somewhat empty. I just finished To Kill A Mockingbird, which was absolutely amazing of course. (I cannot believe I hadn’t read that before! Where was I in high school?!?!) Today one of my friends threw some suggestions at me (all nonfiction) Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander,  authors Joan Chittister and Shane Claiborne. How about some fiction suggestions? What are you all reading?


Filed under homeschooling