Tag Archives: embroidery

a little collection

 Sometimes as an adult, one has to face certain truths. But when one faces certain truths, even if they are disappointing, there is hope for a joy in said truths.

 So, here is my current truth ~

I     Am     Fabric(and fiber)    Challenged.

 Whew! It feels so good to call a spade a spade! I’ve tried sewing & broke the sewing machine. Not only once mind you, three times. I tried knitting, and only had patience to make a scarf for my son’s build a bear. That scarf had so many dropped stitches…. so many. I tried embroidery and had a fairly successful moment, but honestly I had no interest in doing anything else but that one project.

Therefore, I choose to admire others. To be inspired & even to collect. Here’s the inspiration:

Mollie  ~ adorable & amazing embroidery

made by mollie

Sarah ~ a knitting fiend and extremely successful (check out the link, it is worth it)

Amy ~ a fiber artist like no other

pillow for lucy, made by amy

 And here’s the beginnings of a little collection:

 The embroidery is a sampler that my mom & I saw while out thrifting one day. I totally loved it, but passed it up because it was a bit too expensive. Mom must have turned back around when I wasn’t looking  & snatched it up because come Christmas morning it was wrapped & waiting for me! An excellent surprise. The crewel was made by my great-aunt & a gift to my grandmother. Now that my grandmother has moved into a nursing home she asked me to take care of it. I was more than happy to volunteer. Both pieces are quite large so now I’m on the hunt for a couple of smaller pieces to join my little collection!

 What are you favorite collections? Are you starting anything new? I have one friend who just this year started collecting salt & pepper shakers, and Grace started to collect vintage valentines from the 50s. I love that she is collecting those as her birthday is on valentine’s day!


Filed under home, it's about the momma